Transforming the future of back pain treatment
SpinaFX is a medical treatment solution company providing rapid and sustained relief to patients with back pain due to contained lumbar herniated discs, using innovative, minimally invasive image-guided therapy.
Back Pain is the #1 cause of disability in the world 1 and the most expensive health condition treated2 .
Filling a Therapeutic Gap for Contained Herniated Disc-Related Back and Leg Pain

1.NIH Low Back Pain Fact Sheet
2.Dieleman JL, Cao J, Chapin A, et al. US Health Care Spending by Payer and Health Condition, 1996-2016. JAMA. 2020;323(9):863–884. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.0734
3.Al Qaraghli MI, De Jesus O. Lumbar Disc Herniation. [Updated 2021 Aug 30]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan-. Available from:
Pioneering minimally invasive, image-guided treatments

A New Treatment Option for Radiculopathy
Our flagship treatment solution aims to relieve back and leg pain caused by a contained herniated disc through the intravertebral injection of a mixture of oxygen and ozone gas.1 This technology is not currently available for promotion or sale.
Promising research shows there is a potential for oxygen-ozone injections to help treat radiculopathy caused by a contained herniated lumbar disc. In fact, a study of 283 patients showed intradiscal ozone injections are associated with a statistically significant volume reduction of the herniated lumbar disc2. An average disc volume reduction was seen in 96.1% of treated disks six months after treatment2* Animal studies and mathematical modeling have shown a 6% nucleus pulposus volume reduction can lead to a 9.84% reduction in pressure, relieving nerve root compression and herniated disc-related pain.3
* Average disc volume reduction (mean 7.7+/-5.45%; range, 0.29%-22.31%). P < 0.0001.
- Triojection™ is not currently available for promotion or sale in North America, the EU, or the U.K. Triojection was previously awarded CE Mark under MDD and is undertaking re-registration under MDR. Contact SpinaFX for further information regarding anticipated commercial availability in your region.
- Lehnert T et al 2012, Lumbar Disk Volume before and after Ozone–Oxygen Injection,
- Murphy et al, 2016, Percutaneous Treatment of Herniated Lumbar. Discs with Ozone: Investigation of the Mechanisms of
SpinaFX News

SpinaFX Completes its Series B Funding Round

ASSR Las Vegas

RESI San Francisco

MNVC Conference

NASS 2023

Addition to SpinaFX Team